UNPPP visits NYC

The impetus for this visit came out of a formal invitation from Mr. Guillermo Rishchynski, Canadian Ambassador and Permanent Resident to the UN. At the Canadian Mission, UNPPP Internship Coordinator Ms Lara Hill and Programme founder/Coordinator now on sabbatical, Ms Linda Pinnacle, were given the opportunity to present the ongoing success story of the 11-yr old Programme to several interested UN officials. Former JPC alumni, now working for the UN, accompanied to impart their personal testimonials. Since this meeting, the UNPPP has fostered new opportunities for internship placements with UNICEF headquarters, the UN Administration of Justice, the UN Department of Peacekeeping, as well as within several field offices in developing countries. 
Above photo at the Canadian Mission, from left: Samantha 2009 alumni now at UNICEF; Linda, UNPP Founder; Nicole 2010 alumni now at UNICEF; Lara, current UNPP Internship Coordinator; and Alina 2005 alumni now at UNICEF.
It was amazing to discover how many UNPP alumni are now living and working for various UN agencies in NYC. Many gathered for a warm reunion and meet and greet. Some alumni, now colleagues in the same office, were delighted to discover for the first time that night that they each got their start as JPCs!  It became clear that sharing ideas, resources and networking among each other could provide a wonderful platform for engagment & support not only for alumni, but for future JPCs. Ideas for a formalized alumni association began to take shape...
