UPDATE: JPC Franz Meier and Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal.
Kathmandu – 28 October 2014.
Earlier this year Franz joined the Disaster Risk Reduction Team at the IOM in Nepal to launch a new project which aims to make the 83 open spaces in the Kathmandu Valley, which were identified by IOM for the delivery of humanitarian aid in response to an earthquake, more accessible for communities that live in the Valley.
Franz writes:
“As I started to get a better
understanding of the urgency of the situation, I realized that most of disaster
preparedness education focuses on things like “Drop, Cover, and Hold” or to
prepare a ‘Go-Bag’. As important as these measures are to prepare for disaster,
the main question that presented itself to me was ‘Drop, Cover, and Hold …. And
then WHAT’?
Today I am proud to say that we have made a significant step forward to present the population in the Kathmandu Valley with a tangible way to cope with a post-disaster situation by communicating the location of designated emergency response sites. Utilizing an interactive webpage, we specifically have placed emphasize on finding SAM after an earthquake. SAM stands for “Shelter, Aid, Medical help”.
These so called Evac-Sites,
which were strategically selected from the 83 open spaces, are particularly
relevant to the general public. Besides working on the webpage design, I was
able to support the team by creating two short animation videos that are
highlighting the fact that everybody needs to know where to go in the event of
an earthquake to find SAM.”
Nice work Franz!
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