Rebecca's first month in Nairobi with UN-Habitat!
Rebecca's first month in Nairobi with UN-Habitat!
By: Rebecca
Programme. I arrived Nairobi just before November to give myself a few days to settle in before starting my internship in the Youth Unit of the Urban Economy Branch. Though not my first time in East Africa, it was my first time to Nairobi and I was (and still am) awed by the enormity of the city, the paved roads, dozens of uber drivers, and the ready availability of cheese. All to say, I liked it!
My time at work has been interesting and challenging, and
I’m really enjoying the projects I’m working on, the office atmosphere, and the
UN campus itself. Every UN agency is represented here in Nairobi, and so the UN
compound is enormous, with various office blocks, cafeterias, a recreation
centre with a pool, and kilometres of trails for walking or running. It’s quiet
and peaceful, except for when monkeys get into the offices (which they do at
least weekly without fail) and terrorize workers as they search through lunch
bags for treats.
I arrived after most of UN-Habitat had just returned from
Quito, Ecuador for Habitat III and the signing of the New Urban Agenda. It was
an exciting time to be in the office and to hear about everyone’s experiences
at the conference. Since, I’ve been working on a few different programme
evaluations; some for new initiatives and others for long-term projects. They
all work with youth in some capacity, and so it’s been fascinating to learn
about the specific issues that primarily affect those 15 to 24 years old. In my third week, I was asked to accompany my
supervisor to Kampala, Uganda where we participated in workshops with a number
of Ugandan and International partners working together towards a programme on gender
inclusion in the world of work. It was an awesome opportunity to travel so
soon, and to meet so many people working on similar projects.
- Rebecca
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