20 UNPP IYIP funded JPCs prepare to deploy

UNA-Canada's UNPP is proudly deploying 20 talented and motivated graduates in six-month Junior Professional Consultancies to UN Development Programme and UNICEF offices in Bangladesh, Tanzania, Columbia, Nepal, Peru and Ethiopia. Drawn from over 450 applicants, these young men and women come from communities all across Canada including Victoria, Moose Jaw, southern Ontario, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and northern Québec. They represent a broad spectrum of studies, expertise and experience, which they will bring to their placements in support of pressing needs of the UN host agencies and the communities they will serve.
They just completed a series of intensive pre-departure logistical and cultural training with us here in Ottawa this week, supported by the Centre for Intercultural Training as funded by the Canadian International Development Agency. We wish them the best and look forward to sharing their stories with you here in the coming months.
