I landed in Ukraine on September 19, 2017, and the following day, I did my unofficial start at work. I always thought that working for a UN agency was going to be one of my big mid- or end- career goals, I had no idea, it would be the start of it. I am working with the Civil Society for Enhanced Democracy and Human Rights project, which is part of establishing government reforms in the country.

As a JPC, my duties include writing correspondence and communications pieces, and doing research. I have also been put in change of administering one of our project’s websites. I am also working with some of our partners in looking for ways to have more youth be actively engaged with civil society organizations to get them to voice their concerns and issues to public authorities. Very recently, I have been put in charge of coordinating an event – the 2017 Global Goals Jam in Kyiv, Ukraine. It has been a few days since the event, and I am very happy to say that it was very successful.


Three months into my internship, and I have learned many things about how UNDP operates, its many projects, and the work that it does. I am very happy that within 3 months, I continue to be able to contribute to the work that they are doing in Ukraine.

Despite the massive language barrier, I have been able to participate in many events, and I have gone to many business related trips across Ukraine, from around Kyiv, to Chernihiv, Lviv, and Zakarpattia. If I didn’t have a translator present, I have been doing my best in using Google Translate, and with that, I have been constantly able to figure out what is going on around me.

I am also very happy that Ukrainians are comparatively very friendly and outgoing, compared to many people whom I have met over the years. People actively engage with me, and I them, in in many discussions, and people have often gone out of their way to include my in groups – something I find surprisingly uncommon. Due to this, I have been able to fulfill many of my duties and learn from the people around me.

